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This paper studies the effects of public child-care subsidies on parental time allocation. We develop a model where parents are allowed to utilize subsidized care during both working and leisure hours. The model distinguishes between subsidies to child-care quality and to fees. Three types of...
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We revisit the model of child labor in a peasant household presented in Bhalotra and Heady (2003), and demonstrate that the e¤ect of credit market imperfections on child labor di¤ers between households that save and households that borrow. This in turn is important for the interpretation of...
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In recent years, a growing number of authors have turned their atten- tion to the question of why children work. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the more recent theoretical and empirical research into the topic of child labor, and to illustrate the fact that no one factor on its...
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Using unique survey data from the Russian industrial city Taganrog in 1989 and 1998, we analyse changes in the gender division of labour among gainfully employed women and men, pre- and post-transition. In Soviet Taganrog, dual earner families predominated, but nevertheless men were usually...
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This study uses detailed household-level data to investigate income and activity diversification among households in rural Tanzania. Unlike previous research on diversification, I explicitly evalutate marginal returns within different activities, aiming to assess whether households are able to...
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By using a sample of Swedish dual-earner households, this paper investigates how a transfer of time spent on paid work from the man to the woman influences their allocation of unpaid household work. It is found that their total time engaged in household work decreases. This result suggests that...
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Using registry data on every employed Norwegian woman giving birth to her first child during the period 1995–2008, we describe patterns of certified and paid sick leave before, during and after pregnancy. By following the same women over time, we can explore how observed sick leave patterns...
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In several European countries, a paternity quota has been introduced as part of paid parental leave to provide incentives for fathers to increase their child care responsibilities and household involvement.In this paper, we explore the introduction of the first paternity quota in Norway in 1993....
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This paper considers the simultaneous relationship of the single mother’s decision to choose paid childcare, welfare participation and labor supply, and estimates a structural model that allows for a free error covariance. We use a discrete approach to the choice of labor supply together with...
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This paper provides empirical evidence of production risk impact on sustainable land- management technology adoption, using two years of cross-sectional plot-level data collected in the Ethiopian highlands. We used a moment-based approach, which allowed a flexible representation of the...
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