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This paper analysis the impact of better water quality on health improvements using two stated preference methods … rather small willingness to pay for reducing health risks owing to water quality. <p> …
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theory of foreign direct investment: the option value of waiting. Furthermore, our results tend to suggest when and why it …
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This paper presents the results of a national study examining the economic value of biodiversity in New Zealand. Three valuation techniques were used to collect information from respondents: the contingent valuation method, the well-being method and the choice modelling method. Results revealed...
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Biodiversity loss is a global problem, especially in reference to private lands. In response, we investigated whether private land biodiversity may be attained by developing incentives which include funding landholders through the provision of native trees to enhance biodiversity on their own...
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The yellow floating heart is a water weed causing nuisance problems in Swedish watercourses. An economic analysis of …
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This paper analyzes the welfare effects of improved health status through increased water quality using a choice …
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Water pollution is now considered to be one of the most important environmental issues facing New Zealand. Water … existing knowledge by developing appropriate methodology for valuing water quality improvements in New Zealand. It is based on …’s preferences and willingness to pay for different levels of water quality improvement in catchment streams. The results indicate …
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/or divert water from the river in order to increase agricultural production and those who would like to see the river … Resources Regional Plan (NRRP) for water quality and aquatic habitats. Our approach, combining stakeholder consultation with … status quo) and potential future land use and water quality scenarios for the catchment. It was envisaged that this …
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This paper examines three compliance mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol: (i) the restoration rate, (ii) the commitment period reserve rule, and (iii) the suspension mechanism, all potentially constraining greenhouse gas emissions trading across time and space. The joint effect of these mechanisms...
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investigate this issue using data from a choice experiment on a community’s willingness to pay for water quality improvements in … streams. More than 60 percent of respondents perceived the description of the quality of water in streams to be better than … the status quo displayed stronger preferences for water quality improvements - hence a higher marginal willingness to pay …
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