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This paper is motivated by two broad questions: how is technologytransferred from academia to non-academic domains, and how welldo facts within these technologies travel? These questions areexplored in the context of a particular extension education program inTamil Nadu, south India. The paper...
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The facts of social sciences are ones that stem from scientificexpertise, but in the social world, everyone is their own expert.Everyone lives in society, and experiences either first-hand, orclosely second-hand, the same phenomena that social scientistsinvestigate. Consequently, people are not...
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The core question addressed in this paper is: What happens tofacts after their construction? The main contribution is to analysethe different practices of disseminating, circulating and crossfertilizingmodel-produced facts about Haemophilus influenzaetype b and Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterial...
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The question of how Italian Renaissance architecture was takenup in other European countries has been the subject of numerousstudies. One interesting example is the building activity in southGermany at the beginning of the 17th century. Major cities like Stuttgartand Augsburg implemented plans...
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The presence of classical architectural features in modernWestern architecture shows that knowledge from ancient timeswas travelling through both space and time. Yet despite surfacesimilarities, the architecture of revival was very different to that ofantiquity. The classicistic architecture of...
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The travel of small facts (such as data) across geographicallocations and disciplines is increasingly regulated by the private andpublic sponsors of digital databases. My analysis focuses on thecontrast between the strategies supported by the public and privatesectors in governing bioinformatic...
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This article studies how our understanding of disease transmissionhas evolved over time from the public health perspective. The mainquestion is: What happens to ‘facts’ in the course of their lifehistory? How do they lead their lives? The concept captures theprocess that shapes the facts of...
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In everyday scientific practice, facts come in two sizes: smallfacts (data acquired by researchers through experimentation orfield work), and big facts (claims about phenomena for whichdata function as evidence). This paper explores the processesthrough which small and big facts are circulated...
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The Indian Green Revolution, which began in the late 1960s,offers an exemplary case for studying the nature of evidence andhow it travels between academia and the public sphere, betweendifferent academic disciplines and over time. Initial assessmentsof the Green Revolution’s effects were...
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In John B. Calhoun’s early crowding experiments, rats weresupplied with everything they needed – except space. The resultwas a population boom, followed by such severe psychologicaldisruption that the animals died off to extinction. The take-homemessage was that crowding resulted in...
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