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coalition, (i) market pruning dominates product proliferation and (ii) partial cartelisation always arises in equilibrium, with …
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distribution of coalitional gains and the dynamics of coalition formation are characterized in four illustrative applications. …
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This paper analyzes price collusion in a repeated game with two submarkets; a standard and a premium quality segment. Within this setting, we study four types of price-fixing agreement: (i) a segment-wide cartel in the premium submarket only, (ii) a segment-wide cartel in the standard submarket...
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It has been shown in prior research that cost effectiveness in the competitive emissions permit market could be affected by tacit collusion or price manipulation when the corresponding polluting product market is oligopolistic. We analyze these cross market links using a Stackelberg model to...
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In this paper, we tackle the dilemma of pruning versus proliferation in a vertically differentiated oligopoly under the …
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This paper establishes sufficient conditions for the existence of a stable coalition structure in the coalition … unanimity game of coalition formation, first defined by Hart and Kurz (1983) and more recently studied by Yi (1997, 2000). Our … conditions are defined on the strategic form game used to derive the payoffs the game of coalition formation. We show that if no …
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This paper studies a model where exclusive dealing (ED) can both promote investment and foreclose a more efficient supplier. While investment promotion is usually regarded as a pro-competitive effect of ED, our paper shows that it may be the very reason why a contract that forecloses a more...
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