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that have been distinguished by Zweifel, Felder and Meier (1999), viz. the cost of morbidity and the cost of mortality … (their "red herring" hypothesis claims that neglecting the mortality component results in excessive estimates of future …
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In this paper, we address the issue of spurious correlation in the production of health in a systematic way. Spurious correlation entails the risk of linking health status to medical (and nonmedical) inputs when no links exist. This note first presents the bounds testing procedure as a method to...
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This paper analyzes the identifying power of weak convexity assumptions in treatment effect models with endogenous selection. The counterfactual distributions are constrained either in terms of the response function, or conditional on the realized treatment, and sharp bounds on the potential...
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Health economists have studied the determinants of the expected value of health status as a function of medical and nonmedical inputs, often finding small marginal effects of the former. This paper argues that both types of input have an additional benefit, viz. a reduced variability of health...
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or physician. However, this level of analysis is mostly limited to the use of in-hospital mortality rates and is …
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2002 and 2010. In general, we do not detect significant effects on mortality (overall or at any age); the only exception is … a reduction in infant mortality (IM) in poor municipalities for which intention-to-treat estimates show a 10% decline …-related hospital admissions by 7%, and hospital admissions among infants by 6%. There were no impacts on mortality or use of hospitals …
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This paper attempts to identify the climatic effect on birth outcomes in Brazil and, thus, to predict the potential impact of climate change. Panel data models indicate that excess and lack of rainfall have the most important harmful effects on newborns' health; temperature stresses and low...
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In the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have, among other measures, mandated the use of COVID certificates to prove vaccination, recovery or a recent negative test, and have required individuals to show certificates to access shops, restaurants, and education or workplaces. While arguments for and...
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outpatient cost-sharing measurably increases mortality, raising 8-year mortality by 4 deaths per 10,000 individuals. To the best … of our knowledge, this study is the first to show a relationship between cost-sharing and adult mortality risk in a low …
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