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We analyze shocks to productivity, collateral constraint (credit shock), firm operation, and labor disutility in a …. Compared to the productivity shock, the credit and the lockdown shocks generate larger changes in firm entry and exit. The … credit shock accounts for lower entry, higher exit, and concentration of exit among young firms during the Great Recession …
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, and collateral constraint (credit shock) on firm exit. We find that only the credit shock increases firm exit. This result … output, employment, and firm debt during the Great Recession (2007-2009) in the United States, we find that the credit shock …
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We analyse the risk of mafia capture of firms operating in the legal economy. Specifically, we study the relationship between firm performance and mafia infiltration. To overcome possible endogeneity concerns we exploit the abrupt drop in revenues caused by the (unexpected) Covid-19 related...
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We formulate and estimate a business cycle model which can account for key business cycle properties of labor market variables and other aggregates. Three features distinguish our model from the standard model with Search And Matching (SAM) frictions in the labor market: frictional firm entry,...
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Financial inclusion is strikingly low in emerging economies. In only a few years, financial technologies (fintech) have led to a dramatic expansion in the number of non-traditional credit intermediaries, but the macroeconomic and credit-market implications of this rapid growth of fintech are not...
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shock has remained fairly stable. Simulations from a non-linear DSGE model suggest that these empirical results are …
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We use a factor model with stochastic volatility to decompose the time-varying variance of Macro economic and Financial variables into contributions from country-specific uncertainty and uncertainty common to all countries. We find that the common component plays an important role in driving the...
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experiences a shock forcing it to start learning afresh. Firms differ in their information; more informed firms have lower … posterior variances in beliefs. An uncertainty shock is a rise in the probability that any given firm will lose its information … a prolonged recession followed by anemic recovery in response to an uncertainty shock. When confronted with a rise in …
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This paper examines the role of disaster shock in a one-sector, representative agent dynamic stochastic general …
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