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This paper employs a quantitative trade model to globally assess the implications of the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) on trade flows, welfare, real wages and CO2 emissions. We quantify the general equilibrium effects on EU members and non-members under various carbon tax prices,...
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labor contract modalities on firm productivity within the industrial sector through a structural model. We find that … temporary workers contribute to firms’ labor productivity to a lower extent than permanent workers, while also having …
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estimation in particular has favorable properties in this setting compared to the two-step GMM procedure, which is demonstrated … in a Monte Carlo experiment. The proposed method is applied to the estimation of a cigarette demand function …
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effects of temperature and precipitation. Model estimation is implemented on data aggregated across counties or large regions …
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New macro empirical evidence is provided to assess the relative importance of object and idea gaps in explaining the world income distribution dynamics over a benchmark period 1960-1985. Results are then extended through 1995. Formal statistical hypothesis tests allow us to discriminate between...
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We report robust evidence of adverse cross-border externalities from terrorism on trade for over 160 countries from 1976 to 2014. Terrorism in one country spills over to reduce trade in neighboring nations. These externalities arise from higher trade costs due to trade delays and macroeconomic...
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present a general equilibrium theory in which path dependence in sector choice of individuals over generations and mobility … frictions determine the dynamics of industrial compositions across locations in a country. The theory predicts that rising …
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foster R&D spending and innovation, leading to a persistent increase in aggregate productivity and output. In contrast …, changes in the average personal income tax rate have mostly short-term effects. An estimated endogenous productivity model …
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