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Hydrogen is gaining prominence as a critical tool for countries to meet decarbonisation targets. The main production pathways are based on natural gas or renewable electricity. LNG represents an increasingly important component of the global natural gas market. This paper examines synergies and...
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As part of the decarbonisation of the global economy, low-carbon hydrogen is expected to play acentral role in future energy systems. This article presents a comprehensive approach for estimating thedevelopment of global production and supply costs of low-carbon hydrogen from renewable energy...
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Hydrogen is viewed as a promising supplement in future energy systems with high penetration rates of renewable energy (RE) generation. As conversion technology between the two secondary energy carriers, hydrogen and electricity, particularly grid-connected electrolysers, have a role to play....
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We perform a model-based analysis of the impact of a renewable hydrogen quota on EU gas and electricity markets. By comparing a scenario in which a renewable hydrogen quota with tradable certificates is imposed on final gas consumption in the sectors of the economy outside the EU ETS with a...
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Ongoing climate change affects complex and long-lived infrastructures like electricity systems. Particularly for decarbonized electricity systems based on variable renewable energies, there is a variety of impact mechanisms working differently in size and direction. Main impacts for Europe...
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Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, the three countries of the North African Maghreb region, are showing increased efforts to integrate renewable electricity into their power markets. Like many other countries, they have pronounced renewable energy targets, defining future shares of “green”...
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We examine the effect of energy prices and technological knowledge on innovation in green energy technologies. In doing so, we consider both demand-pull effects, which induce innovative activity by increasing the expected value of innovations, and technology-push effects, which drive innovative...
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The interest in low-carbon hydrogen technologies is growing fast in politics and the economy. The ramp-up of a hydrogen market is a critical phase, which requires the engagement and coordination of many heterogeneous stakeholders. A better understanding of who these stakeholders are and what...
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Ziel dieses Papers ist es, die derzeitige Diskussion bzgl. des sog. Merit-Order Effektes der erneuerbaren Energien auf den Strompreis kritisch zu beleuchten. Veröffentlichungen, welche diesen Effekt quantifizieren, weisen für die Jahre 2005 und 2006 einen Großhandels-Strompreis senkenden...
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It has been shown that international cooperation in achieving renewable energy targets, e.g., via a common tradable green certificate market, increases overall welfare. However, cooperation in the support of electricity from renewable energy sources also leads to regional price effects, from...
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