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Two recent proposals for overcoming the euro area crisis make the case for monetary financing of the public sector. Watt (2015) proposes that the ECB finances public investment directly, Pâris and Wyplosz (2014) contend that public debt may be effectively restructured by burying parts of it in...
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Die Frage, ob es starke Abweichungen bei der Inflationsbelastung zwischen verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen gibt, stellt sich insbesondere dann, wenn sich hohe Preissteigerungsraten auf einzelne Warengruppen konzentrieren, wie dies derzeit bei Nahrungsmitteln und Energie der Fall ist. Eine...
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Fiscal austerity has not led to a return of confidence and it is not at all certain that the current crisis strategy can be sustained politically and will eventually succeed. Government bonds of crisis-hit countries have lost their safe asset status and high risk premiums are impairing monetary...
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The NAIRU is a key component of potential output and as such critically affects output gap estimates. In May 2014, the European Commission changed its specification of the NAIRU for several countries and lowered its NAIRU estimates - in the case of Spain from 26.6% to 20.7% for 2015. To test the...
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We regress long-term private sector interest rates on a money market rate, a term premium and credit risk. As a contribution to the current debate about European safe assets, our interest is in quantifying domestic spillover effects from euro area sovereign bond spreads. Panel estimates show...
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Die Autoren analysieren wie sich unterschiedliche Inflationsziele und Reallohnrigiditäten auf die Transmission von Rohstoffpreisschocks auswirken. Es zeigt sich, dass eine geldpolitische Strategie mit einem Kerninflationsziel einer Strategie, die das Inflationsziel an der Gesamtinflationsrate...
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It is generally held, from both a global and a European perspective, that the three most impor-tant objectives for the years to come are 1) the reduction of current account imbalances, 2) the reduction of public deficits, and 3) the reduction of unemployment. This paper argues that the Stability...
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This paper analyses the Nairu in the Euro Area and the influence that hysteresis had on its development. Using the Kalman-filter technique we find that the Nairu has varied considerably since the early seventies. The Kalman-filter technique is applied here using explicit exogenous variables. In...
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Das Produktionspotenzial ist eine entscheidende ökonomische Kategorie, weil es den erreichbaren Lebensstandard einer Volkswirtschaft anzeigt. Es stellt zudem eine wichtige Orientierungsgröße für die Geld- und Fiskalpolitik dar. Trotz dieser herausragenden Bedeutung ist das Konzept des...
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