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-run supply of bank credit. As U.S. bond rates have fallen, the pass-through of monetary shocks to loan and deposit rates has … weakened while the spread on U.S. bank loans has risen. I build a model in which banks earn deposit and loan spreads, deposits … dampened at low rates, because deposit spreads act as a better hedge for bank equity against unexpected monetary shocks. In the …
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We analyse the impact of standard and non-standard monetary policy measures on bank profitability. For empirical … identification, the analysis focuses on the euro area, thereby exploiting substantial bank and country heterogeneity within a … monetary union where the central bank has implemented a broad range of unconventional policies, including quantitative easing …
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This paper studies the relationship between the business cycle and financial intermediation in the euro area. We establish stylized facts and study their stability during the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis. Long-term interest rates have been exceptionally high and...
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This paper examines the effects of monetary policy on the equity values of European banks. We identify monetary policy shocks by looking at changes in the EONIA one-month and two-year swap contract rates during narrow windows around the press statements and press conferences announcing monetary...
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We augment a standard monetary DSGE model to include a banking sector and financial markets. We fit the model to Euro Area and US data. We find that agency problems in financial contracts, liquidity constraints facing banks and shocks that alter the perception of market risk and hit financial...
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this policy through banks. This paper examines the role of bank liquidity, capitalization and market power as internal … monetary policy change on bank performance is also considered. The empirical analysis, using large panel datasets for the … rates by disaggregating down to the individual bank level. This is achieved by the use of a Local GMM technique that also …
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of banking sector concentration. Using a local projections framework with 2003-2023 country-level and bank-level data for …
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We study the impact of increasingly negative central bank policy rates on banks' propensity to become undercapitalized …
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How much of the heterogeneity in bank loan pricing is explained by disparities in banks' attitude towards risk? The … answer to this question is not simple because there are only very weak proxies for gauging the degree of a bank's risk … confirm that disparities in market power, banks' funding costs, and banks' funding risks are re ected in bank lending rates …
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The purpose of this paper is to compare the cyclical behavior of various credit impairment accounting regimes, namely IAS 39, IFRS 9 and US GAAP. We model the impact of credit impairments on the Profit and Loss (P&L) account under all three regimes. Our results suggest that although IFRS 9 is...
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