Showing 1 - 10 of 195
become tighter. We use quantile regression and the skewed t-distribution and evaluate the forecasting properties of models …
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In this paper, we consider whether differences in the forecast performance of ECB SPF respondents reflect ability or chance. Although differences in performance metrics sometimes appear substantial, it is challenging to determine whether they reflect ex ante skill or other factors impacting ex...
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We provide a versatile nowcasting toolbox that supports three model classes (dynamic factor models, large Bayesian VAR, bridge equations) and offers methods to manage data selection and adjust for Covid-19 observations. The toolbox aims at simplifying two key tasks: creating new nowcasting...
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as a pseudo real time forecasting exercise, i.e. due account is taken of the pattern of available monthly variables over …
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) specifications and survey forecasts by optimally exploiting their properties. To do that, it compares the forecasting performance of …-term forecast horizons using both univariate and multivariate forecasting metrics. Results show that the Survey of Professional …
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decomposing disposable income into labour, property and transfer income is essential for understanding and forecasting consumption …
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We propose a Bayesian VAR model with stochastic volatility and time varying skewness to estimate the degree of labour at risk in the euro area and in the United States. We model the asymmetry of the shocks to changes in the unemployment rate as a function of real activity and financial risk...
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We propose an empirical framework to measure the degree of weakness of the global economy in real-time. It relies on nonlinear factor models designed to infer recessionary episodes of heterogeneous deepness, and fitted to the largest advanced economies (U.S., Euro Area, Japan, U.K., Canada and...
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Those of professional forecasters do. For a wide range of time series models for the euro area and its member states we find a higher average forecast accuracy of models that incorporate information on inflation expectations from the ECB's SPF and Consensus Economics compared to their...
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We document the impact of COVID-19 on frequently employed time series models, with a focus on euro area in ation. We show that for both single equation models (Phillips curves) and Vector Autoregressions (VARs) estimated parameters change notably with the pandemic. In a VAR, allowing the errors...
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