Showing 1 - 10 of 651
We show that the liquidation value of collateral depends on who is pledging it. We employ transaction-level data on overnight repurchase agreements (repo) and loan-level credit registry data on corporate loans. We find that borrowers on the repo market pay a 2.6 basis points rate premium when...
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behaviour of Italian mortgage lenders using a novel loan-level dataset. When policy rates turn negative, banks with higher …
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Combining euro-area credit register and carbon emission data, we provide evidence of a climate risk-taking channel in banks' lending policies. Banks charge higher interest rates to firms featuring greater carbon emissions, and lower rates to firms committing to lower emissions, controlling for...
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In this paper we examine the effects of limited liability on mortgage dynamics. While the literature has focused on …
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How much of the heterogeneity in bank loan pricing is explained by disparities in banks' attitude towards risk? The answer to this question is not simple because there are only very weak proxies for gauging the degree of a bank's risk aversion. We handle this constraint by means of a novel...
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We match granular supervisory and credit register data to assess the implications of banks' exposure to interest rate risk on the monetary policy transmission to bank lending supply in the euro area. We exploit the largest and swiftest increase in interest rates since the creation of the euro...
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Relying on a perspective borrowed from monetary policy announcements and introducing an econometric twist in the traditional event study analysis, we document the existence of an "event risk transfer", namely a significant credit risk transmission from the sovereign to the corporate sector after...
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mortgage-backed securities is more widespread. …
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We study the prices that individual banks pay for liquidity (captured by borrowing rates in repos with the central bank and benchmarked by the overnight index swap) as a function of market conditions and bank characteristics. These prices depend in particular on the distribution of liquidity...
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This paper proposes a set of indicators relevant for the risk characteristics of covered bonds, as based on granular publicly available transparency data. The indicators capture various aspects of cash flow risks related to the issuer, the cover pool and the payment structure. They offer unified...
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