Showing 1 - 10 of 82
We test whether a simple measure of corporate insolvency based on equity return volatility - and denoted as Distance to … Insolvency (DI) - delivers better predictions of corporate default than the widely-used Expected Default Frequency (EDF) measure …
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We study the sensitivity of the realised loss-given-default (LGD) to macroeconomic conditions by exploring Global Credit's confidential dataset on observed cash flows from defaulted loans. Given the prolonged duration of loan recovery, spanning several years, and the potential for macroeconomic...
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We analyze how corporate reorganization and liquidation change labor reallocation during bankruptcy using randomized judge assignments and linked Portuguese employer-employee and firm data. Reorganization reduces the negative effect of bankruptcy on employee earnings, even with most workers...
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Most studies focusing on the determinants of loss given default (LGD) have largely ignored possible lagged effects of the macroeconomy on LGD. We fill this gap by employing a wide set of macroeconomic covariates on a retail portfolio that represents 15% of the Czech consumer credit market over...
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We build a business cycle model characterized by endogenous firms dynamics, where banks may prefer debt renegotiation, i.e. non-performing exposures, to outright borrowers default. We find that debt renegotiations only do not have adverse effects in the event of financial crisis episodes, but a...
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We study the interaction between borrowers' and banks' solvency in a quantitative macroeconomic model with financial frictions in which bank assets are a portfolio of defaultable loans. We show that ex-ante imperfect diversification of bank lending generates bank asset returns with limited...
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In this paper we examine the effects of limited liability on mortgage dynamics. While the literature has focused on default rates, renegotiation, or loan rates individually, we study them together as equilibrium outcomes of the strategic interaction between lenders and borrowers. We present a...
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constraints in Italy was one of the causes of the sustained growth of prices in 2010-2013. …
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This paper presents new evidence on the importance of insolvency frameworks for private sector debt deleveraging and … for the resolution of non-performing loans (NPL). We construct an aggregate insolvency framework index (IFI), which is …, our results indicate that better insolvency frameworks lead to faster NPL reductions and to lower NPL increases during …
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