Showing 1 - 10 of 22
El Gobierno Federal en México ha implementado el otorgamiento de una transferencia no contributiva bajo el programa "Pensión Universal", para todos aquellos trabajadores que no obtendrán una pensión por parte de los Programas Contributivos del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR), como una...
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In an increasingly complex world, individuals have a more limited ability to take optimal decisions due to the lack of knowledge of basic financial concepts. This leads to severe mistakes in key decisions throughout an individual's life. Moreover, financial illiteracy is greater in the young...
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En este trabajo analizamos si es posible incrementar el ahorro para el retiro por medio de alfabetismo financiero en México. Con información de la Encuesta Nacional de los Niveles de Vida de los Hogares 2005 (ENNVIH-2) construimos un índice de alfabetizo financiero siguiendo la metodología...
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In this paper we investigate empirically the relationship among conditional mean and variances of exchange rate depreciation, inflation and output growth in Mexico using a multivariate GARCH-in-mean model (MGARCH-M). The study is performed with monthly data over the period 1993-2009. The results...
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This paper investigates empirically the relationship between inflation, inflation volatility and output growth in the case of México using monthly data over the period 1993-2011. Specifically a bivariate GARCH-M model is estimated to test the hypotheses that inflation rates are directly related...
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This paper evaluates convergence of per capita GDP among the Mexican states. The paper attempts to make two important contributions to the literature on convergence in México. First, it is used a yearly data base for a relatively large time span which allows the use of a time series approach...
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This paper investigates empirically the relationship between inflation, inflation volatility and output growth in the case of México using monthly data over the period 1993-2011. Specifically a bivariate GARCH-M model is estimated to test the hypotheses that inflation rates are directly related...
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In this paper we investigate the effects of volatility of the fundamental determinants of trade on trade flows in Mexico during the period 1991-2008. Our import and export functions are based on the well known imperfect substitute goods model of trade. We focus on the effects on imports and...
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In this paper we investigate whether the communication bias of the Bank of Mexico provides information that helps to anticipate the course of monetary policy in subsequent periods. We first construct an objective index of the communication bias, based upon an statistical analysis of key terms...
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In this paper we investigate empirically the determinants of credit default rates in the Peruvian system of Municipal Banks of Savings and Credit, using a dynamic fixed effects model with monthly data, over the period 2003-2010. We postulate that credit default rates are positively related to...
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