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Scaling up early childhood development services has the potential to increase children's cognitive and socio …
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childhood development have historically been a challenge in Morocco, with children facing unequal opportunities to develop … time, using several surveys conducted between 2003 and 2012. Large disparities exist in children's chances of healthy early …
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stimulation to boost child development, particularly for children ages 0-3 years. The paper reviews the rationale for linking both …
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be particularly harmful for children during their critical growth periods and have impacts on early childhood development … sample of around 7,500 children ages 3-5 years. Early childhood development is measured in four skills domains: literacy …, there is a clear dose-response relationship, where those children with exposure to higher concentrations of arsenic have …
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rural areas of Indonesia on two cohorts of children. One cohort was children aged 4 at the start of the project and was … immediately eligible for project-provided services when they began operation in 2009. The other cohort was children aged 1 at the … across children from different backgrounds, the impact on child outcomes is larger for children from more disadvantaged …
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Participatory community development programs are designed to match government investments with local needs. In Morocco, where issues of inequality and poverty are high on the national agenda, a community development program, the National Initiative for Human Development, targeted high-poverty...
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childhood development services, led to declines in child development among children from less disadvantaged households. The …. Comparisons of observationally similar children across experiments reveal that existing early childhood development centers …
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-income countries. Rigorous studies on the effectiveness of ECD-related programs for improving children's development in various … longitudinal data collected over three years on a cohort of 6,693 children age 0-4 years at baseline in two quot … age of children and duration of exposure to the program. There has been a significant improvement in the cognitive, social …
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centers and complemented these efforts with a group-based parenting support program. Children in the integrated intervention …-emotional development than children in centers receiving teacher training alone at the 18-month follow-up. However, the study finds no …
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improve the health and education outcomes of their children? To help address these questions, a new approach for dealing with …
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