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This paper discusses a capacity-based redispatch mechanism in which awarded market participants are compensated for their availability for redispatch, rather than activation. The rationale is to develop a market design that prevents so-called 'inc-dec gaming' when including flexible consumers...
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We study optimal mechanisms for a utilitarian designer who seeks to assign a finite number of goods to a group of ex ante heterogeneous agents with unit demand. The agents have heterogeneous marginal utilities of money, which may naturally arise in environments where agents have different wealth...
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I consider a seller selling a good to bidders with two-dimensional private information: their valuation for a good and their characteristic. While valuations are non-verifiable, characteristics are partially verifiable and convey information about the distribution of a bidder's valuation. I...
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In auctions bidders are usually assumed to have rational expectations with regards to their winning probability … auctions, I show that by decreasing the time between bids and revelation of results, the auctioneer can induce bidders to …
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auctions. Academic research on multi-sourcing procurement auction typically analyzes these auctions as stand-alone events. In …
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underperforms in terms of efficiency relative to the winner-pay auctions. …
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Bidding in first-price auctions crucially depends on the beliefs of the bidders about their competitors' willingness to …
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We show that it is beneficial for a buyer to conduct a multi-stage mechanism if bidders are loss averse. In a first step, we derive a revenue equivalence principle. Fixing the multi-stage structure, the revenue is independent of the chosen payment rule. Secondly, we introduce a simple two-stage...
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We study the role of commitment in a first-price auction environment. We devise a simple two-stage model in which bidders first submit an initial offer that the auctioneer can observe and then make a counteroffer. There is no commitment on the auctioneer's side to accept an offer as is or even...
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data between 2008 and 2018. For construction auctions, we also rely on bid-level data to inform a regression discontinuity …
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