Showing 1 - 10 of 118
on German linked survey and administrative data. To study the causal relationship between unemployment and multiple … effects of job loss are long-lasting, growing more profound the longer the duration of unemployment and persisting following …
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the unemployment spell. This is confirmed by complementary analysis with individual survey data suggesting that online job … search leads to additional formal job interviews after a few months in unemployment. …
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unemployment is a non-monotonic function of the minimum wage level. Effects differ strongly by labour market segment. Cross …
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das Resultat der klassischen Arbeitsmarkttheorie, dass gewerkschaftliche Lohnbeeiflussung zu höherer Arbeitslosigkeit … theoretischen Zusammenhang zwischen gewerkschaftlicher Verhandlungsmacht und Arbeitslosigkeit. …
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relative wage and unemployment differentials for various labour market defining characteristics. A simultaneous increase in the … relative wage and the unemployment likelihood is defined as a relative wage rigidity dynamic for a labour market characteristic …
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the hypothesis that a rigid wage structure has been responsible for rising low-skilled unemployment, I propose a …
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workers in service occupations are identified to exhibit rising unemployment due to wage rigidities and are therefore not …
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Rising wage inequality in the U.S. and Britain (especially in the 1980s) and rising continental European unemployment … large data sets from the U.S., Britain, and western Germany to test the Krugman hypothesis for the 1990s, when unemployment …
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We ask whether sectoral shocks and the subsequent labor reallocation are responsible for unemployment within selected … is linked to unemployment in country specific dynamic models. For Spain, the ADL-model estimation reveals a significant … impact of sectoral reallocation on unemployment that goes beyond usual business cycle patterns. In Italy, there is weaker yet …
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heterogeneity into account. Our results indicate that participation in JCSs increases the unemployment duration mainly due to … leave unemployment quicker than other groups, which results in highly skilled women benefiting from participation. However …, we find no significant impact on post-unemployment employment stability. Our results are robust to allowing for random …
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