Showing 1 - 10 of 43
As documented by empirical research, tax compliance costs are a considerable burden for private businesses. However, cost estimates may be biased due to survey non-response and questionnaire framing effects. This paper investigates the impact of both aspects on cost estimates. We do not find...
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The growing dissatisfaction with perceived distributional inequality and budgetary constraints gave rise to a discussion on the (re-)introduction of wealth taxes. Wealth taxes are typically levied on private wealth, in some countries also on corporate wealth. To avoid misleading statements...
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Die Einführung der Zinsschranke im Zuge der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008 hat für rege Diskussionen in Theorie und Praxis darüber gesorgt, wie viele Unternehmen vom Zinsabzugsverbot überhaupt betroffen sind und in welchem Umfang. Die vorliegende Arbeit nimmt nun, etwa sieben Jahre nach...
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Ob ein Unternehmen auch langfristig betrachtet erfolgreich ist, hängt maßgeblich von den organisationalen Fähigkeiten der Unternehmensführung ab. Ambidextere Unternehmen halten die Balance zwischen Investitionen in sowohl traditionelle, effiziente Geschäftsfelder als auch in neue,...
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The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) recently proposed an interest barrier to fight tax base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). We use the introduction of such an interest deductibility restriction in Germany as a quasi-experiment and find significant corporate...
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Empirische Untersuchungen zur Relevanz der Zinsschranke betrachten in der Regel lediglich Kapitalgesellschaften und bilden somit nur einen Bruchteil der potentiell betroffenen Unternehmen ab. Auf Basis eines umfangreichen balancierten Panels analysiere ich anhand von handelsrechtlichen...
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We analyze the impact of taxation on the option to defer an investment decision and derive tax rates that do not influence the extent of postponement. Furthermore, we deduce from this option pricing framework a measure of an investor's disposition towards realizing an investment project under...
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An alternative minimum tax (AMT) is often regarded as desirable. We analyze a wealth tax at corporate and personal level that is designed as an AMT as proposed by the German Green Party. This wealth tax is imputable to profit taxes and is hence intended to prevent multiple (multistage) taxation....
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This paper investigates the influence of different systems of current income and capital gains taxation on investor's decision to either carry out an investment in corporate shares or to invest funds alternatively on the capital market. Three basic tax systems are analyzed, a classical corporate...
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Under uncertainty and irreversibility, real option-based models are widely accepted for assessing investment projects. So far the existing post-tax analyses do not provide a general analytical description of investor reactions towards profit tax rate changes. This paper sets out to fill part of...
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