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We study identification in a binary choice panel data model with a single predetermined binary covariate (i.e., a … parameter θ, whereas the distribution of unit-specific heterogeneity, as well as the feedback process that maps lagged … numerically, suggesting that meaningful learning about θ may be possible even in short panels with feedback. As a …
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We study identification in a binary choice panel data model with a single predetermined binary covariate (i.e., a … parameter θ, whereas the distribution of unit-specific heterogeneity, as well as the feedback process that maps lagged outcomes … learning about θ is possible even in short panels with feedback. …
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This paper studies identification in a binary choice panel data model with choice probabilities depending on a lagged …
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We develop a simulated ML method for short-panel estimation of one or more dynamic linear equations, where the …
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In this paper we study the least squares (LS) estimator in a linear panel regression model with unknown number of …
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In this paper we study the least sqares (LS) estimator in a linear panel regression model with interactive fixed …
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heterogeneity or unobserved state variables and panel data models with fixed effects. Recent developments in measurement error …
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a vector ARMA model for panel data, with dependent variables observed ordinally and find that current perceptions …
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effects panel data analyses, the joint distribution of observed and unobserved agent-level characteristics is left …
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). Similar to fixed effects panel data analyses, the joint distribution of observed and unobserved agent-level characteristics is …-linear panel data analysis (e.g., Chatterjee, Diaconis and Sly, 2011; Hahn and Newey, 2004), I show that the limit distribution of …
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