Showing 1 - 10 of 455
Subsidies to business sector R&D can be given either as R&D tax credits or direct grants. Majority of the OECD countries use both policy tools, Finland has used only grants. The Finnish support system has been functioning relatively well, but it has been argued that it does not support well...
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The data were collected via a web-based survey tool in the autumn of 2006. The study takes into consideration the viewpoint of VC investors as it focuses on Finnish VC companies (private sector VCs), public sector VC organisations and informal investors (business angels). An effort was made to...
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Subsidies to business sector R&D can be given either as R&D tax credits or direct grants. Majority of the OECD countries use both policy tools, Finland has used only grants. The Finnish support system has been functioning relatively well, but it has been argued that it does not support well...
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At present, businesses in Finland can deduct the cost of many investment goods from taxable income only gradually over several years. Higher expensing limits would allow them to deduct investments costs faster, while full expensing would allow them to deduct the cost of investment goods in full...
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At present, businesses in Finland can deduct the cost of many investment goods from taxable income only gradually over several years. Higher expensing limits would allow them to deduct investments costs faster, while full expensing would allow them to deduct the cost of investment goods in full...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Настоящото изследване адаптира холистичен интердисциплинарен подход за анализ, оценка и усъвършенстване на системата за управление на услугите на...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Разработката е отчет от втори етап на научно-изследователски проект „Управление на услугите на агроекосистемите“, финансиран от Селскостопанска...
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Bulgarian Abstract: Въпросът за оползотворяване на утайките от пречистването на отпадъчни води в земеделието е важен социално-икономически и екологически проблем в...
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Bulgarian Abstract:Въпреки растящите екологични проблеми и нарастващите публични и частни интереси, научните изследвания за управление на агроекосистемните услуги са в...
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年金の議論が盛んになってきているが, その中で特に関心がもたれているのは財政方式の問題である。財政方式には保険料方式と消費税方式などがあり, それに依存して資源配分が変化する。本研究では,...
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