Showing 1 - 10 of 184
The paper studies whether and how CEO turnover in Ukrainian firms is related to theirperformance. Based on a novel dataset covering Ukrainian joint stock companies in 2002-2006, the paper finds statistically significant negative association between the pastperformance of firms measured by return...
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Much recent research has focused on the development and analysis of extensions of the New Keynesianframework that model labor market frictions and unemployment explicitly. The present paper describessome of the essential ingredients and properties of those models, and their implications for...
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This paper investigates the determinants of European financial analysts' forecasts differential accuracy.
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Showcasing data from all areas of the ILC program and other sources, Charting International Labor Comparisons is a gateway to explore how key labor market and other national economic measurements compare across countries. There are links to previous editions of the Chartbook of International...
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This paper analyzes the causality between inventor productivity and inventor mobility. Theresults show that the level of education has no influence on inventor productivity. Making useof external sources of knowledge, on the contrary, has a significant effect on productivity.Finally, firm size...
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[...]This paper examines the operation of the U.S. labor marketin the 2001 recovery. Because the United States is in the middleof the recovery, ours is a real-time analysis; thus, someconclusions could change if the recovery stalls or employmentgrows suddenly. For instance, since August 2003,...
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[...]In this article, we examine the wage-puzzle phenomenon ofthe 1990s. Specifically, we explore whether changes in paystructure can account for the behavior of CPH during thedecade. Labor markets have changed considerably over the pasttwenty years: workers today receive a higher portion of...
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The ageing population and its impact on financial services and insurance was the subject of a recent Thinkpiece by Jane Vass of Age Concern. However what about the impact of rising migration that also seems likely for Europe in the coming decades? How important will immigration be in picking up...
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Almost half the women in work in the UK work part-time, but views conflict: does this support awoman’s career or is it a dead-end trap?Cohort data on labour market involvement to age 42 show highly varied pathways throughfull/part-time/non-employment. Econometric estimation confirms that...
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In 2000, the Lisbon Agenda set out an ambitious plan to make the EuropeanUnion “the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy inthe world”. The Agenda suggested a need for action on three broad fronts:the first explicitly macroeconomic; the second explicitly microeconomic;the third...
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