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This paper focuses on the impact of full capital account liberalization on macroeconomic volatility in Greece. According to the standard neoclassical model, such liberalization is to be desired because, among other advantages, it may reduce macroeconomic volatility. The link between...
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We recognize that intertemporal models of the current account (Frankel and Razin with Yuan 1996, or Baxter and Crucini 1993) imply a theory of consumption smoothing channels, and thus we build an empirical model on the theoretical foundations of Sachs (1982)'s optimizing model in order to...
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This paper analyzes capital mobility within Japan based on the consumption-based correlation method developed by Obstfeld (1994). This thoery suggests that consumption in one region is closely related to that in other regions if the capital market is open. We test this theoretical implication in...
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This paper employs the intertemporal consumption smoothing approach to the current account to measure the effective degree of Chinas international capital mobility during the period 1958-98. In contrast to all previous known country studies using this framework, the hypothesis that capital has...
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Central banks’ foreign exchange holdings have increased significantly in the recent past. This article explains this development as a result of the liberalisation of international capital markets. First, central banks accumulate reserves in order to protect the economy from detrimental effects...
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This paper focuses on the effects of global factors on the saving–investment relationship. We prove that, if investments and savings are affected by idiosyncratic and global components, they must be cointegrated to obtain reliable estimates of the saving-retention coefficient. When global...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine whether current account imbalances – surpluses or deficits – are “excessive” and hence constitute a valid concern. The second objective is to assess the degree of capital mobility by comparing the variance of the current account...
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This paper reviews the central features of France’s capital controls in the 70's and 80's and strives to assess their ability, in the context of various exchange rate mechanisms, to regulate capital flows and to stabilize the exchange rate while allowing France to preserve a measure of...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review concepts and measurements related to financial globalization such as financial openness, financial integration, monetary interdependence, and the mobility and movement of capital. Design/methodology/approach – This paper surveys the...
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