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The Czech Republic is going to face ageing of its population. It will affect the economy in many ways. The pension system is one of them. This paper provides a view on possibilities how to insure long-term stability of the pension system in the Czech Republic using a mix of pay-as-you-go and...
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Il existe en Afrique un réel décalage entre les aspirations des jeunes et la réalité des marchés du travail. Les aspirations professionnelles des jeunes Africains ont ainsi peu en commun avec la demande de main-d’œuvre actuelle et prévue dans la région, ce qui rend peu probable une...
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Korean Abstract: 주요 선진국에서 저출산과 기대수명 연장으로 인구 고령화가 빠르게 진행되어 왔으며 이에 따라 노인부양 부담이 늘어나고 생산가능인구 비중은 축소되고 있다. 이에 각국은 저출산·고령화로 인한 잠재성장률...
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Quebec, as most Western societies, is facing the ageing of its population, producing many economic, political and social impacts. One solution often considered is to rely on immigration to reduce, delay or even counter certain consequences. For this purpose, replacement migration is sometimes...
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Les trajectoires suivies par les assurés du Régime général sont diverses et cette hétérogénéité rend difficile l’appréciation de la situation des futurs retraités dont la pension reçue est calculée selon des règles complexes. Un modèle de projection structuré autour de...
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The main consequence of globalization is to accelerate the process of concentrating the wealth all around the world. Nevertheless, it did not contribute to solve the contradictions of capitalism which is not able to boost a long-time accumulation. Therefore, there are tremendous pressures to...
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