Showing 1 - 10 of 96
the internal organization of banks, compelled personal responsibility on the part of bank management, protected creditors …
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This paper analyses various approaches to dealing with problematic assets of the banking sector. These approaches include the establishment of an asset management company, capital injection and sale of the bank, purchase and assumption transactions, liquidation or bridge bank. All these...
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This paper examines estimations of the expected losses of loans and the provisioning techniques imposed by Czech regulatory norms. The current Czech regulatory quidelines define the criteria for loan classification and specify the minimum coefficients used for creating provisions. These...
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The article summaries the main points discussed at the seminar on ?Banking System Stability?, organized by the Czech Economic Association in May 2003. There were three speakers at the seminar. The first was Martin Èihák (International Monetary Found), who presented the problem of...
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Èeská spoleènost ekonomická ve spolupráci s Èeskou národní bankou uspoøádala v kvìtnu 2001 v Praze semináø nazvaný ?Moral Hazard and Orderly Bank Exit?, na nìmž vystoupil David Mayes, profesor ekonomie na South Bank University v Londýnì a poradce bankovní rady Bank of Finland....
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The authors of the paper discuss reasons as well as current stage of the regulation of the financial (mostly banking) sector. They are not in favor of strict rejection of the regulation, but they are not in favor of strong regulation of the financial sector either. The article is based on the...
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The theory of endogenous money supply forms one of the cornerstones of Post Keynesian economics. It has been developing rapidly during the last twenty years, but is still neglected as a theoretical background for practical central bank policy. This may be (among other reasons) due to the...
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The theory of endogenous money supply forms one of the cornerstones of Post Keynesian economics. It has been developing rapidly during the last twenty years, but is still neglected as a theoretical background for practical central bank policy. This may be (among other reasons) due to the...
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more than consumed by the central bank?s opportunity costs from holding foreign exchange reserves (associated with the …
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The paper emphasizes how changes in credit conditions in the Czech Republic are likely to influence aggregate consumption. Aggregate consumption plays an important role in macroeconomic fluctuations and in the transmission mechanism. Czech household debt has increased in the past five years. The...
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