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The maximalization resp. growth of company market value ranks among the most widely spread objectives of company …
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This study provides information on trends and role of the Czech outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) and evaluates the effects of the OFDI on parent companies. The analysis of trends is based on Czech National Bank data; the effects are evaluated through a unique set of data gathered through...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse in depth the EU and international efforts in the field of increasing the ODA effectiveness with respect to the situation of poverty in the developing world, development assistance management, and the current initiatives on searching for potential solutions...
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In this study, we deal with both the development co-operation among the Czech Republic and nineteen post-socialist Asian countries and sending of remittances as an alternative to development co-operation. The share of mentioned beneficiaries (developing countries) in the total Official...
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V predkladanom článku autor sumarizuje problematiku efektivity rozvojovej pomoci a spolupráce na základe ponúkaného prehľadu empirickej literatúry zameranej na túto oblasť. Navzdory zdanlivo prevládajúcemu negatívnemu názoru na efektivitu využívania prostriedkov rozvojovej pomoci...
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Přijetím přelomové kapitoly XVIII s názvem Rozvojová spolupráce Smlouvy o založení Evropské unie (dále EU) z Maastrichtu v roce 1992 byl v EU odstartován proces změn směřujících k efektivnější spolupráci EU s rozvojovými zeměmi. Cílem se stalo dosažení takové...
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country´s economic growth. The author analyses the development and the reasons for the current situation since Tajikistan …
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The aim of this paper is to describe the current situation of the least developed countries (LDCs). After briefly explaining their historical development, this paper presents the current definition criteria for LDCs as well as their up-to-date list. The position of the LDCs within the...
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V kvìtnu 2002 se konal 38. semináø ÈSE z øady semináøù ""Ekonomické teorie a èeská ekonomika"" s názvem: Argentina - vzestupy a pády?. Øeèníkem semináøe byl Jiøí Jonáš, poradce výkonného øeditele Mezinárodního mìnového fondu. Jeho vystoupení se zamìøilo na...
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In attempts to explain the mechanism of a financial crisis of the third generation, the basic problem is to specify the basic causes of its emergence. In the text of the paper we have formulated a hypothesis saying that the basic cause of the emergence of a systemic financial crisis of the Asian...
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