Showing 1 - 10 of 24
Czech Abstract: Tato studie zkoumá umění tvorby módních hesel (buzzword) a jejich použití v koncepcích inteligentních měst (smart city) a obecně i ve společenských vědách. Analýza se zaměřuje na důležitost vytváření hesel, jejich prospěšného a nevhodného použití v...
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Brownfields are old, unused sites and buildings located in urban areas and open countryside. This article deals with problems of brownfields that developed as a result of restructuring national industry, a decreased significance of primary and secondary industry, and the increase of tertiary...
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The paper provides an exploratory analysis of regional dynamics among 264 NUTS2 EU-27 regions over the period 1992-2006. Seven different regional indicators are analyzed including wages, household expenditures, retail sales, investments, productivity, GDP, and GDP adjusted for international...
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Czech Abstract: Tato studie se zabývá teoretickými a praktickými aspekty mobility jako služby (MaaS) v oblasti komunitního transportu. Využívá konceptu smart dopravy a zaměřuje se na oblasti kolem metropolí, které díky tzv. procesu dezurbanizace mají čím dál tím více...
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New approaches are being searched for to assess regional policy in connection with the specification of a new paradigm of regional development. The article pays attention to the assurance of a sustainable growth rate of economies in Czech regions. The methodological base of the solution is a...
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In the area of agricultural policy and the balanced growth of the countryside, the European Union promotes technological development and creation of jobs in ways that fulfil the criteria of ecological sustainability. The latest reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy are focused on the...
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Predkladaný príspevok stručne popisuje zo strednodobého hľadiska vývoj jednotlivých kľúčových oblastí ekonomiky a zároveň poskytuje širší a komplexnejší pohľad na ekonomickú pozíciu Slovenska ako členskej krajiny Európskej únie v rámci spoločného ekonomického...
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More than 30% of the population lives in less favoured areas in the Czech Republic. These areas are characterized by a number of limitations such as shorter growing season, lower average annual temperature, the worse traffic conditions, higher environmental protection and others. Sustainable...
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The current record wave of immigration is a problem and does not conform to the interests of most people in Europe. Immigration is ineffective as a global development policy. The article argues in favor of an immigration that is balanced and that is in the interests of citizens in Europe rather...
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The recent boom of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is over. The impact of the financial crisis and the new scenarios for future development of European countries after overcoming it have formulated new requirements on the ICT sector all around the world. ICT seems to be one of the...
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