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This paper describes the main theoretical concepts of the competition, which is thought to be the fundamental social process in the economy. The protection of competition (or the competition policy) is the one of the most important parts of economic policy, because the competition ensures the...
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Cílem práce je odhadnout a vyšetøit dlouhodobý vztah mezi penìžní zásobou M1, cenovou hladinou, výstupem a alternativními náklady držby penìz a to, zda lze tento vztah - v pøípadì, že existuje - interpretovat ve smyslu dlouhodobé poptávky po penìzích. Práce využívá pøi...
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Práce se zabývá analýzou poptávky po penìzích firem v ÈR a její výsledky následnì srovnává s výsledky analogické analýzy v sektoru domácností. Zjištìné odlišnosti v obou sektorech jsou pak komentovány zejména ve smyslu potenciálních problémù, které tyto diskrepance...
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Tato práce se zamìøuje na specifika poptávky po penìzích domácností a analyzuje souèasné charakteristiky této poptávkové funkce vèetnì trendù dalšího vývoje, pøedevším vzhledem k potenciálním problémùm pøi výzkumu poptávky po penìzích na agregátní úrovni....
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The co-integration of time series indicates the presence of their common trends. For analytical purpose it is important to transform some time series into gap form. This transformation can be received as a difference between the time series and the common trends. The model of demand for money in...
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The authors of the paper discuss reasons as well as current stage of the regulation of the financial (mostly banking) sector. They are not in favor of strict rejection of the regulation, but they are not in favor of strong regulation of the financial sector either. The article is based on the...
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The relatively long term period of stability before the present crises called even "Great Moderation" or "Golden Age of Central Banking" indicated that the infl ation targeting was a success story. As of 2008 a lot has changed and the debate over "Leaning against the wind or Clean afterwards?"...
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A number of authors have used the concept of an optimum currency area (or OCA) index to assess the relative proximity of various pairs of economies to the ideal of an optimum currency area. Alas, a significant deficiency of this approach as used so far is that it provides no room for long-term...
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In the course of exchange rate development history of the countries taking part and evaluated in ERM or ERM II before they entered the euro-area there was no depreciating evolution with a trend to currency crisis at all. Fundamental indicators of these economies, partly owing to the compliance...
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The article deals with the relationship of post-Keynesian economics to new consensus as a theoretical framework of inflation targeting. First, new consensus with its roots in Wicksell´s approach is briefly introduced. In the next parts differences and meeting-points of new consensus and...
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