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The article emphasizes the meaning of good faith and traditional institutes of civil law - prescription and preclusion. This publication proposes to contribute to the illumination of exception of prescription against principles of good faith. A number of Court decisions are dedicated to this...
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Tato studie prezentuje pìt indikátorù používaných pro mìøení kvality podnikatelského prostøedí ve visegrádských zemích a shrnuje jejich výsledky. Jedná se o index vnímání korupce, agregátní indikátory správy, index zajetí (státu), index neprùhlednosti a index rizika...
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The study focuses on evaluation of institutional quality in European Union countries and its possible impact on economic performance and competitiveness. The text stems from the theoretical framework of new institutional economics, especially historical and comparative institutionalism, and it...
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The article emphasizes the underlying problem of good faith in business law. This is a crucial topic widely discussed in the EU, but implementation of common tools is limited. Business practices in the Czech Republic were under the pressure of socialism for more than 40 years; therefore, Czech...
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Czech Abstract: Cílem tohoto článku je představit Kirznerovu teorii podnikatelského objevování jako doplněk a alternativu k teorii hlavního proudu. V první a druhé části autor vysvětluje hlavní vlivy Ludwiga von Misese a Friedricha Augusta von Hayeka na vznik podnikatelské...
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The aim of the paper is to introduce Kirzner's theory of entrepreneurial discovery as a complement and an alternative to the mainstream theory. In the first and the second sections, the author explains the main influences of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek's works on...
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What is the role of entrepreneurship in economic development from the perspective of neo-Austrian and new institutional economics and what is the difference between these approaches? Neo-Austrian economists claim that economic development is caused by entrepreneurial discovery. New institutional...
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