Showing 1 - 10 of 17
We examine a strategic-choice handicap model in which males send costly signals to advertise their quality to females. Females are concerned with the net viability of the male with whom they mate, where net viability is a function of the male's quality and signal. We identify circumstances in...
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The article presents initial empirical findings about corporate reorganizations ordered in 2010 (with cut-off date as of March 2011), the third year after the coming into force of the new Czech Insolvency Act. These findings are compared to similar findings made in relation to the period...
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During the last few years the Czech Republic has witnessed a great boom in the area of a problematic and irrecoverable credit settlement. Late and substandard payments have become rather a tradition in the Czech way of doing business. Consequently the solution by selling receivables to the third...
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This paper studies bank-failure models in the context of transition economies. In order to capture the default risk of banks, data on the structure of retail deposit rates is used to improve the prognostic quality of bank-failure prediction. The Czech bank crisis of 1994?1996, during which 14...
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Autoøi se ve svém èlánku pokoušejí odpovìdìt na otázku, zda proces eliminace neperspektivních firem napomohl oživení èeské ekonomiky na konci 90. let. Pro rok 1999 prokázali vysokou míru podobnosti provozních výsledkù (produktivita práce, pøidaná hodnota na zamìstnance,...
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Èeská spoleènost ekonomická ve spolupráci s Èeskou národní bankou uspoøádala v kvìtnu 2001 v Praze semináø nazvaný ?Moral Hazard and Orderly Bank Exit?, na nìmž vystoupil David Mayes, profesor ekonomie na South Bank University v Londýnì a poradce bankovní rady Bank of Finland....
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Czech Abstract: Cílem příspěvku je odhad doby přežití českých společností z odvětví dopravy. Doba přežití vybraných společností je stanovena na základě modelování časového intervalu mezi založením firmy a jejím bankrotem, a to s použitím vybraných...
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One of the key assumptions of neoclassical economics is the existence of the rational individual, who always tries to maximize his or her utility. The paper shows possibilities of experimental evaluation of this hypothesis with respect to the various groups of people who undertake the...
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We present a model of learning in which agents learn from errors. If an action turns out to be an error, the agent rejects not only that action but also neighboring actions. We find that, keepng memory of his errors, under mild assumptions an acceptable solution is asymptotically reached....
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Our rapidly changing world has been challenging insurers to keep the pace. Given the qualitative changes in risk trends, the insurance industry has encountered a problem of insurability limits and shifting boundaries of the private insurance sector. The possibilities of covering enormous...
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