Showing 1 - 10 of 38
The paper deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the taxation of labor and capital in the Czech Republic. The authors show that if the low flexibility of Czech labor is taken into account, progressive taxation could stimulate a higher supply of labor than would a linear tax. The...
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A number of authors have used the concept of an optimum currency area (or OCA) index to assess the relative proximity of various pairs of economies to the ideal of an optimum currency area. Alas, a significant deficiency of this approach as used so far is that it provides no room for long-term...
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n this paper we study three crucial questions of economic decision-making: a) How are the people motivated in the choice of profession (career) and schools? This is also a decision that deals with the criteria for building the human capital of various specialisations. b) Can enterprises rely on...
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V této práci odhadujeme determinanty meziregionální migrace obyvatelstva v České republice v letech 1992-2001. Přes zvyšující se disparity mezi regiony, míra migrace zůstává na relativně nízké úrovni a ekonomické faktory jako nezaměstnanost a mzda ovlivňují migraci pouze do...
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Kooperativní chování je nezbytnou podmínkou pro existenci moderních komplexních společenství a ekonomik, jak je známe dnes. Z pohledu společenských věd je proto zajímavé porozumnět, jak takové chování může převažovat i v situacích, kdy jednoduchá úvaha vede k opačnému...
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The publication Privatization without Capital consists of three studies linked by an institutional view on selected issues of the Czech economic transformation. In the first paper, Karel Kouba presents the theoretical background of liberalization stabilization and privatization policies in...
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In this paper we construct a supply function of university education, i.e. the dependence of the supply (the number of places for students) on its price, i.e. on the revenue of university (either from scholarship or from state support) per student. We derive our results from an optimization...
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Dne 9. prosince 2004 přijala Slovenská republika zákony o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii a o správcoch, které byly vyhlášeny pod čísly 7/2005 Z.z. a 8/2005 Z.z. Stalo se tak necelých osmnáct měsíců poté, co vláda Slovenské republiky schválila v červenci 2003 legislativní...
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We survey the state-of-the-art methods of how to rank economic departments on the basis of a sample of 14 studies conducted in years 1995-2005. We cover a diversity of rankings: U.S., worldwide, E.U., those of developed academic nations and those of developing academic nations. Each method rests...
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