Showing 1 - 10 of 21
. The models used include Granger causality, cointegration, and error-correction models. The results demonstrate that the … deviations from the parity. As this error-correction mechanism appears to be rather symmetric, and as the Granger causality tests … suggest different causality patterns for individual stocks, none of the two markets emerges as the dominant one. A variety of …
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Empirical research on the differences between unit values in the EU's trade with the Czech Republic and the intra-EU average has shown a significant changes. The comparative level of manufacturing products imported from the Czech republic has increased, the comparative level of products exported...
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The values of comparative price levels vary greatly in individual EU countries and depend on many different economic factors. The EU countries were divided into two distinguishable groups. Both OLS and robust regressions were used to analyze the influence of the comparative price levels on...
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Závìry pøíspìvku potvrzují autorovu hypotézu, že celková úroveò slovinského a èeského vnitroodvìtvového obchodu se ve druhé polovinì 90. let dostala podstatnì blíže úrovni vyspìlých tržních ekonomik. Hlavní pøíèinou rychlého rùstu vnitroodvìtvového obchodu v...
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Granger causality test the panel cointegration analysis is needed. The panel cointegration relationships were not found in any … panel cointegration. According to the main stream of the economic theory the budget deficits leads to deterioration in the …
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The maximalization resp. growth of company market value ranks among the most widely spread objectives of company …
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This study provides information on trends and role of the Czech outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) and evaluates the effects of the OFDI on parent companies. The analysis of trends is based on Czech National Bank data; the effects are evaluated through a unique set of data gathered through...
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