Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The paper focuses on the analysis of the particular sectors of non-financial corporations based on mainly yearly national accounts. We explain some of the aggregates of the national accounts but the focus of the paper is placed on the application of standard tools of financial analysis on the...
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Entrepreneurs have been exposed to continually increasing competitive pressures. Hence, a process of continuous improvement is to be an inherent part of firm management. In case this process shall be implemented on a broad basis with the aim to maintain and increase firm competitiveness, then...
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Czech Abstract: Tato studie se zabývá teoretickými a praktickými aspekty mobility jako služby (MaaS) v oblasti komunitního transportu. Využívá konceptu smart dopravy a zaměřuje se na oblasti kolem metropolí, které díky tzv. procesu dezurbanizace mají čím dál tím více...
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New approaches are being searched for to assess regional policy in connection with the specification of a new paradigm of regional development. The article pays attention to the assurance of a sustainable growth rate of economies in Czech regions. The methodological base of the solution is a...
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In the area of agricultural policy and the balanced growth of the countryside, the European Union promotes technological development and creation of jobs in ways that fulfil the criteria of ecological sustainability. The latest reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy are focused on the...
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Predkladaný príspevok stručne popisuje zo strednodobého hľadiska vývoj jednotlivých kľúčových oblastí ekonomiky a zároveň poskytuje širší a komplexnejší pohľad na ekonomickú pozíciu Slovenska ako členskej krajiny Európskej únie v rámci spoločného ekonomického...
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More than 30% of the population lives in less favoured areas in the Czech Republic. These areas are characterized by a number of limitations such as shorter growing season, lower average annual temperature, the worse traffic conditions, higher environmental protection and others. Sustainable...
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