Showing 1 - 10 of 22
The paper concentrates on the description of the Czech institutions which provide credit support to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, farmers and exporters. The paper analyses the operations of the Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank and the Support and Guarantee Agricultural and...
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This article is dealed about the requirements on new architecture of financial markets, namely for banking and insurance market. The principles of Basel II and Solvency II are discussed. The second part of article concerned with quality changes in comercial insurable risk and financial decesion...
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Práce se zabývá popisem českých institucí podporujících úvěry poskytované malým a středním podnikatelům, zemědělcům a vývozcům. Analyzovanými institucemi jsou Exportní garanční a pojišťovací společnost, Česká exportní banka, Českomoravská záruční a rozvojová...
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The authors of the article point out that the theory of economics has failed to yield a solid theoretical background in such critical situations as the period of the current fi nancial and economic crisis and the transformation period of post-communist economies. Mainly present crisis opens the...
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Our rapidly changing world has been challenging insurers to keep the pace. Given the qualitative changes in risk trends, the insurance industry has encountered a problem of insurability limits and shifting boundaries of the private insurance sector. The possibilities of covering enormous...
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This paper shows results of comparison of the original theoretical conception of modeling human decisions under risk with two well known models. In the paper the demand function for insurance is constructed for the model of maximization of the probability of agent’s (economical) survival. This...
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With the accession of 10 new European Union member states in May 2004, much attention is being placed on the governance of European Community institutions. This article focuses specifically on discussions of European Central Bank (ECB) governance, particularly as regards the ECB?s amendment of...
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Práce se zabývá analýzou poptávky po penìzích firem v ÈR a její výsledky následnì srovnává s výsledky analogické analýzy v sektoru domácností. Zjištìné odlišnosti v obou sektorech jsou pak komentovány zejména ve smyslu potenciálních problémù, které tyto diskrepance...
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Tato práce se zamìøuje na specifika poptávky po penìzích domácností a analyzuje souèasné charakteristiky této poptávkové funkce vèetnì trendù dalšího vývoje, pøedevším vzhledem k potenciálním problémùm pøi výzkumu poptávky po penìzích na agregátní úrovni....
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Modifying IS-MP-IA model by using EU economic characteristics allows for better interpretation of the results. Specifically, from the point of view of the IS and MP curves we obtain useful information about the influence of EU economy on the Czech economy (i.e. on its GDP). We may conclude that...
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