Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The interpretation of the relation between a budget deficit and a government debt in the standard economic theory is based on its unilateral causality, where the government debt comes into being due to the accumulation of budget deficits. The logic of the development of the government...
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The paper considers modern frameworks of public debt management from a credibility perspective. It focuses on the institutional and operational arrangements of effective debt management. In particular, the author seeks to shed light upon the contemporary problems of Czech debt manager compared...
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This article focuses on the development and resolution of Czechoslovak state debt from 1945 to 1953. It describes two distinct periods. Between 1945 and 1948, the budget followed a prewar structure where debt constituted a separate part. These times were characterized by an increase of state...
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V kvìtnu 2002 se konal 38. semináø ÈSE z øady semináøù ""Ekonomické teorie a èeská ekonomika"" s názvem: Argentina - vzestupy a pády?. Øeèníkem semináøe byl Jiøí Jonáš, poradce výkonného øeditele Mezinárodního mìnového fondu. Jeho vystoupení se zamìøilo na...
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In attempts to explain the mechanism of a financial crisis of the third generation, the basic problem is to specify the basic causes of its emergence. In the text of the paper we have formulated a hypothesis saying that the basic cause of the emergence of a systemic financial crisis of the Asian...
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We analyze effect of intraday information flow in three emerging EU stock markets-the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. We use five-minute intraday data on stock market index returns and 15 types of EU and U.S. macroeconomic announcements during 2004-2007. We measure each announcement as its...
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With the accession of 10 new European Union member states in May 2004, much attention is being placed on the governance of European Community institutions. This article focuses specifically on discussions of European Central Bank (ECB) governance, particularly as regards the ECB?s amendment of...
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Práce se zabývá analýzou poptávky po penìzích firem v ÈR a její výsledky následnì srovnává s výsledky analogické analýzy v sektoru domácností. Zjištìné odlišnosti v obou sektorech jsou pak komentovány zejména ve smyslu potenciálních problémù, které tyto diskrepance...
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Tato práce se zamìøuje na specifika poptávky po penìzích domácností a analyzuje souèasné charakteristiky této poptávkové funkce vèetnì trendù dalšího vývoje, pøedevším vzhledem k potenciálním problémùm pøi výzkumu poptávky po penìzích na agregátní úrovni....
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Modifying IS-MP-IA model by using EU economic characteristics allows for better interpretation of the results. Specifically, from the point of view of the IS and MP curves we obtain useful information about the influence of EU economy on the Czech economy (i.e. on its GDP). We may conclude that...
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