Showing 1 - 10 of 26
This article, based on an empirical analysis, discusses factors affecting property prices and tries to identify periods of property price overvaluation in the Czech Republic. To achieve this, the article uses both relatively simple approach using ratios related to the house prices (e.g....
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On the background of current global mortgage crisis the article discusses the housing market theory and particularly the methods and indicators used for the evaluation of long-term sustainability of house price trends. The authors provide the time series of such indicators for selected OECD...
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Czech Abstract: Tato studie zkoumá umění tvorby módních hesel (buzzword) a jejich použití v koncepcích inteligentních měst (smart city) a obecně i ve společenských vědách. Analýza se zaměřuje na důležitost vytváření hesel, jejich prospěšného a nevhodného použití v...
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New approaches are being searched for to assess regional policy in connection with the specification of a new paradigm of regional development. The article pays attention to the assurance of a sustainable growth rate of economies in Czech regions. The methodological base of the solution is a...
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This paper presents an analysis of the available options for an effective EU rural development policy. A classification of the methods used to determine an optimal rural development policy can be viewed as the specific aim of the paper. This aim is achieved by discussing...
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Brownfields are old, unused sites and buildings located in urban areas and open countryside. This article deals with problems of brownfields that developed as a result of restructuring national industry, a decreased significance of primary and secondary industry, and the increase of tertiary...
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Tato studie se zabývá otázkou, zda nekoordinovaná opatření některých států měnící parametry národních systémů pojištění vkladů zavedená v polovině roku 2008 mohla vést k přesunu vkladů mezi členskými státy Evropské unie. Pozornost je věnována především...
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The paper concentrates on the description of the Czech institutions which provide credit support to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, farmers and exporters. The paper analyses the operations of the Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank and the Support and Guarantee Agricultural and...
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Over the past few years, the Value at Risk indicator (VaR) has evolved, without doubt, into the most frequently used comprehensive tool for assessment of potential losses caused by adverse changes in market rates. However, the common models used for VaR assessment are based only on mid prices...
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