Showing 1 - 10 of 106
Privatization of the Czech banking sector was not an ideal process. Many errors and failures could be mentioned. The … about a great interest of potential investors. Also the timing of privatization of Czech banks is a topic for a discussion …: It is complicated to deduce when was the optimal time for privatization but the majority of economists concluded that the …
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This article presents the principal arguments for formal economic regulation of airport operators. It also briefly compares and contrasts the main regulatory systems and provides a simplified overview of the regulatory regimes currently applied at the largest European airports. Finally, a...
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Federation is one type of state characterised by a contractual and constitutional structure, multilevel power redistribution, a written constitution, and duality of power. Federalism is a philosophy and a political instrument enabling a federation to function. The principle of federalism is an...
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The paper analyzes an important part of the institutional quality - regulation and studies relation between the regulatory environment and the bureaucratic barriers. The analysis is based on theoretical models of the comparative institutional economics. In the paper, we discuss possibilities of...
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The article is based on the thesis that institutional quality influences the economic performance. From this point of view under certain circumstance the government policy is able to increase efficiency and performance of economies through creation, maintenance and cultivation of appropriate...
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We survey theories of impacts of budgetary rules in the budget process, review empirical evidence and on the basis of comparative studies attempt to design the optimal shape of the Czech budgetary rules. The theoretical part focuses on conventional and non-intuitive effects of spending caps and...
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Mechanisms for implementing community programs resulting from general principles of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities and Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 laying down detailed rules for...
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With the accession of 10 new European Union member states in May 2004, much attention is being placed on the governance of European Community institutions. This article focuses specifically on discussions of European Central Bank (ECB) governance, particularly as regards the ECB?s amendment of...
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Práce se zabývá analýzou poptávky po penìzích firem v ÈR a její výsledky následnì srovnává s výsledky analogické analýzy v sektoru domácností. Zjištìné odlišnosti v obou sektorech jsou pak komentovány zejména ve smyslu potenciálních problémù, které tyto diskrepance...
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Tato práce se zamìøuje na specifika poptávky po penìzích domácností a analyzuje souèasné charakteristiky této poptávkové funkce vèetnì trendù dalšího vývoje, pøedevším vzhledem k potenciálním problémùm pøi výzkumu poptávky po penìzích na agregátní úrovni....
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