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The purpose of this paper is to analyse in depth the EU and international efforts in the field of increasing the ODA effectiveness with respect to the situation of poverty in the developing world, development assistance management, and the current initiatives on searching for potential solutions...
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In this study, we deal with both the development co-operation among the Czech Republic and nineteen post-socialist Asian countries and sending of remittances as an alternative to development co-operation. The share of mentioned beneficiaries (developing countries) in the total Official...
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V predkladanom článku autor sumarizuje problematiku efektivity rozvojovej pomoci a spolupráce na základe ponúkaného prehľadu empirickej literatúry zameranej na túto oblasť. Navzdory zdanlivo prevládajúcemu negatívnemu názoru na efektivitu využívania prostriedkov rozvojovej pomoci...
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Přijetím přelomové kapitoly XVIII s názvem Rozvojová spolupráce Smlouvy o založení Evropské unie (dále EU) z Maastrichtu v roce 1992 byl v EU odstartován proces změn směřujících k efektivnější spolupráci EU s rozvojovými zeměmi. Cílem se stalo dosažení takové...
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The objective of the contribution, which is based on the research of National agency for agricultural research (NAZV QH 71016) carried out between 2007 and 2010, is to present research concept of energy and economic analysis of farms. The core idea behind the concept rests in a need to assess an...
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The paper contains a descriptive analysis of selected interdisciplinary research methods developed for the study of complex socio-ecological systems (climate change problems in particular). Institutional analysis and participatory methods of social consensus are in the centre of the focus.
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The objective of this paper is to demonstrate some economywide effects of the adoption of Common Agricultural Policy. The general equilibrium approach is applied. The model is designed as a static computable general equilibrium one. The model structure reflects basic neoclassical assumption,...
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Currently, if speaking about the theoretical background of the environmental policy, most of environmental economists have neoclassical economics in their minds. State regulation of private activities by means of restrictions, commands, taxes and fees is usually seen as the only one way to reach...
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In the area of agricultural policy and the balanced growth of the countryside, the European Union promotes technological development and creation of jobs in ways that fulfil the criteria of ecological sustainability. The latest reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy are focused on the...
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Business processes take place in an environment of complex systems that consist of many interrelated elements with stochastic and dynamic characteristics. Simulation and management methods were developed to cope with such complexity. Simulation and management methods are interdependent...
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