Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The economic theory of the last decades deals with how certain models of institutions and incentives could improve the coordination of individual actions in society. Setting rules regulating relationships between economic agents is considered as the key requirement of such coordination....
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The English version of this paper can be found at Czech Abstract: Cílem tohoto článku je vložení problému zastoupení do širšího kontextu Nové institucionální ekonomie s důrazem na historické souvislosti. V první části vysvětluji historický...
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Czech Abstract: Cílem tohoto článku je představit Kirznerovu teorii podnikatelského objevování jako doplněk a alternativu k teorii hlavního proudu. V první a druhé části autor vysvětluje hlavní vlivy Ludwiga von Misese a Friedricha Augusta von Hayeka na vznik podnikatelské...
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The aim of the paper is to set the agency problem into a broad context of New Institutional Economics with an emphasis on historical connections. In the first section, I explain the historical evolution of basic theoretical concepts like the theory of firm, the theory of market process and the...
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The aim of the paper is to introduce Kirzner's theory of entrepreneurial discovery as a complement and an alternative to the mainstream theory. In the first and the second sections, the author explains the main influences of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek's works on...
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What is the role of entrepreneurship in economic development from the perspective of neo-Austrian and new institutional economics and what is the difference between these approaches? Neo-Austrian economists claim that economic development is caused by entrepreneurial discovery. New institutional...
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The paper deals with one of the biggest problems currently faced by the Czech labour market: namely, a shortage of labour with regard to specialists who have completed tertiary education. The introduction stresses the importance of knowledge capital both in contemporary society and in a...
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This paper deals with the situation on the Czech labour market in the period 1990-2006. It shows the status and development of the supply and demand sides of this market. Great attention is paid to the long-term trends in employment, self-employment, unemployment, and long-term unemployment. The...
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During the transition of the central planned economies to the market system unemployment has become one of the most serious problems. The article describes the current state of unemployment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Using models of marginal effective tax rates developed by the OECD we...
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Questions connected to innovations were included in survey realized within the research target "New theory of economics and management in organizations and its adaptation processes". These questions also touched the area of measuring the intensity of innovations and impulses of innovations.
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