Showing 1 - 10 of 38
The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade … and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade …
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This paper is a survey of selected theoretical approaches to migration. It focuses on their practical application when … creating new or adjusting existing migration policy concepts. The aim is to seek the possible leverages offering the … possibility to influence migration flows not only by the receiving countries, but also by the sending countries. Secondary …
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In this paper we study three crucial questions of economic decision-making: a) How are the people motivated in the choice of profession (career) and schools? This is also a decision that deals with the criteria for building the human capital of various specialisations. b) Can enterprises rely on...
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In this paper we study three crucial questions of economic decision-making: a) How are the people motivated in the choice of profession (career) and schools? This is also a decision that deals with the criteria for building the human capital of various specialisations. b) Can enterprises rely on...
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This study investigates the relationship between wages and risks of work-related fatalities in the Czech labour market. To prove this relationship, we followed the theory of compensating wage differentials and the theory of hedonic prices. Using data from 2007 Czech labour survey, we...
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The current record wave of immigration is a problem and does not conform to the interests of most people in Europe. Immigration is ineffective as a global development policy. The article argues in favor of an immigration that is balanced and that is in the interests of citizens in Europe rather...
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Článok sa zaoberá voľným pohybom pracovníkov, ktorý predstavuje základnú slobodu zaručenú právom ES. V prvej časti je pozornosť venovaná právu občanov slobodne sa pohybovať na území ktoréhokoľvek členského štátu s cieľom zamestnať sa a usadiť sa so svojimi rodinnými...
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Globalizácia vo svetovom hospodárstve spôsobuje nielen intenzívnejší pohyb kapitálu, ale aj intenzívnejší pohyb pracovných síl. V Moldavskej republike je migrácia pracovnej sily významným fenoménom, ktorý má veľký vplyv na ekonomickú a sociálnu stránku rozvoja Moldavskej...
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Migračná politika je vo svete z dôvodov rastúcej ekonomickej integrácie a globalizácie, meniacich sa geopolitických záujmov, narastajúceho transnacionalizmu a zmeny v demografických trendoch a úlohách pohlaví horúcou témou. Článok sa zameriava na problematiku migračnej politiky...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade … and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade …
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