Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The paper presents results of World Bank survey in 2005 undertaken within the project Doing Business, with special regard to the Czech Republic position. Doing business conditions are assessed particularly according to the regulation burden and its impacts on entrepreneurship. The structure...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse in depth the EU and international efforts in the field of increasing the ODA effectiveness with respect to the situation of poverty in the developing world, development assistance management, and the current initiatives on searching for potential solutions...
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In this study, we deal with both the development co-operation among the Czech Republic and nineteen post-socialist Asian countries and sending of remittances as an alternative to development co-operation. The share of mentioned beneficiaries (developing countries) in the total Official...
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V predkladanom článku autor sumarizuje problematiku efektivity rozvojovej pomoci a spolupráce na základe ponúkaného prehľadu empirickej literatúry zameranej na túto oblasť. Navzdory zdanlivo prevládajúcemu negatívnemu názoru na efektivitu využívania prostriedkov rozvojovej pomoci...
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Přijetím přelomové kapitoly XVIII s názvem Rozvojová spolupráce Smlouvy o založení Evropské unie (dále EU) z Maastrichtu v roce 1992 byl v EU odstartován proces změn směřujících k efektivnější spolupráci EU s rozvojovými zeměmi. Cílem se stalo dosažení takové...
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The authors contend that the theory of optimum currency areas (OCA) provides a useful framework for discussions of monetary integration. The authors summarize the historical development of monetary integration and discuss possible future development. Theoretical issues, such as those raised in...
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The article is concerned with analysis of independence of central banks of the EU Member States within the framework of the ESCB, as well as independence and responsibility of the ECB, and suggests an alternative institutional embodiment of its position, reflecting the specific framework of the...
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This article focuses mainly on the environmental costs connected with legislative compliance in the Czech Republic, possibilities of their identification and observation in corporations and suggestions for cutting them down. First, we present an overview of theoretical concepts regarding...
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Federation is one type of state characterised by a contractual and constitutional structure, multilevel power redistribution, a written constitution, and duality of power. Federalism is a philosophy and a political instrument enabling a federation to function. The principle of federalism is an...
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The paper analyzes an important part of the institutional quality - regulation and studies relation between the regulatory environment and the bureaucratic barriers. The analysis is based on theoretical models of the comparative institutional economics. In the paper, we discuss possibilities of...
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