Showing 1 - 10 of 23
The article emphasizes the meaning of good faith and traditional institutes of civil law - prescription and preclusion. This publication proposes to contribute to the illumination of exception of prescription against principles of good faith. A number of Court decisions are dedicated to this...
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Tato studie prezentuje pìt indikátorù používaných pro mìøení kvality podnikatelského prostøedí ve visegrádských zemích a shrnuje jejich výsledky. Jedná se o index vnímání korupce, agregátní indikátory správy, index zajetí (státu), index neprùhlednosti a index rizika...
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The study focuses on evaluation of institutional quality in European Union countries and its possible impact on economic performance and competitiveness. The text stems from the theoretical framework of new institutional economics, especially historical and comparative institutionalism, and it...
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The article emphasizes the underlying problem of good faith in business law. This is a crucial topic widely discussed in the EU, but implementation of common tools is limited. Business practices in the Czech Republic were under the pressure of socialism for more than 40 years; therefore, Czech...
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The paper presents results of World Bank survey in 2005 undertaken within the project Doing Business, with special regard to the Czech Republic position. Doing business conditions are assessed particularly according to the regulation burden and its impacts on entrepreneurship. The structure...
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An easy and popular method for measuring the size of the underground economy is to use macro-data such as money demand or electricity demand to infer what the legitimate economy needs, and then to attribute the remaining consumption to the underground economy. Such inferences rely on the...
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Joint-stock companies are among the most fundamental components of a market economy. “Voucher privatization” in the Czech Republic saw an abrupt mushrooming of joint-stock companies where none had appeared for over a generation. This occurred in an environment lacking in guiding...
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The paper demonstrates how survey methods and retrospective questions can be put to effective use in the study of shadow-economy dynamics; specifically, the evolution of tax evasion in the Czech Republic. The authors measure the average individual's transition between the shadow and official...
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Czech Abstract: Tato studie se zabývá teoretickými a praktickými aspekty mobility jako služby (MaaS) v oblasti komunitního transportu. Využívá konceptu smart dopravy a zaměřuje se na oblasti kolem metropolí, které díky tzv. procesu dezurbanizace mají čím dál tím více...
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New approaches are being searched for to assess regional policy in connection with the specification of a new paradigm of regional development. The article pays attention to the assurance of a sustainable growth rate of economies in Czech regions. The methodological base of the solution is a...
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