Showing 1 - 10 of 15
This paper analyzes the tax penalty on volatile personal income under progressive tax rates. The phenomenon may have an effect on long-term entrepreneurial decisions as well as risky occupational choice. An options-based model is used to estimate the expected effective rate due from tax-payers...
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The paper provides an exploratory analysis of regional dynamics among 264 NUTS2 EU-27 regions over the period 1992-2006. Seven different regional indicators are analyzed including wages, household expenditures, retail sales, investments, productivity, GDP, and GDP adjusted for international...
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This essay examines the influence of income differentiation on private consumption. The author illustrates how to derive the total demand on individual goods from curves describing the income differentiation within the population (e.g., Lorenz) and the Engel curve. This model is later used to...
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Sociální pøíjmy a danì významnì pùsobí na rozdìlení pøíjmù ve spoleènosti. Zkoumání jejich redistribuèní funkce je proto tøeba vìnovat dostateènou pozornost. Porovnání rozdìlení hrubého a èistého pøíjmu ukazuje, zda je systém daní a sociálních dávek...
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This paper uses a specific experiment — „voucher privatization“ in the former Czechoslovakia — to test the permanent income hypothesis of consumer behavior. Voucher privatization (the mass privatization of state-owned assets through publicly offered vouchers) led to an unexpected...
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Cílem èlánku je ukázat zmìny v redistribuci na úrovni domácností. V první èásti využíváme šetøení u obyvatelstva k analýze vývoje pøerozdìlování po roce 1989 a k analýze jeho faktorù. Ve druhé èásti se vìnujeme kontextu sociální struktury a na datech...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support...
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The Stability and Growth Pact has become a primary fiscal policy framework in all European countries since 1997. Together with Maastricht fiscal criteria it determines the fiscal discipline of integration process. The aim of this study is to evaluate ex-post effectiveness of the fiscal rules...
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The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade shows that the credit support provided by specialized government agency, Czech Export Bank, has a positive but statistically weak influence on export. The other...
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