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The article deals with the phenomenon of globalization and in particular its influence on production chains of multinational firms. The on-going process of globalization has set off new trends and possibilities of production (e.g. outsourcing) which resulted in changes of firms´ behaviour. This...
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The existence of multinational corporations is not self-evident. These corporations have costs linked with business in foreign countries compared to their domestic competitors. Therefore, in the long term, they must have particular advantages over domestic firms. These advantages are external to...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse in depth the EU and international efforts in the field of increasing the ODA effectiveness with respect to the situation of poverty in the developing world, development assistance management, and the current initiatives on searching for potential solutions...
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In this study, we deal with both the development co-operation among the Czech Republic and nineteen post-socialist Asian countries and sending of remittances as an alternative to development co-operation. The share of mentioned beneficiaries (developing countries) in the total Official...
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V predkladanom článku autor sumarizuje problematiku efektivity rozvojovej pomoci a spolupráce na základe ponúkaného prehľadu empirickej literatúry zameranej na túto oblasť. Navzdory zdanlivo prevládajúcemu negatívnemu názoru na efektivitu využívania prostriedkov rozvojovej pomoci...
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Přijetím přelomové kapitoly XVIII s názvem Rozvojová spolupráce Smlouvy o založení Evropské unie (dále EU) z Maastrichtu v roce 1992 byl v EU odstartován proces změn směřujících k efektivnější spolupráci EU s rozvojovými zeměmi. Cílem se stalo dosažení takové...
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Czech Abstract: Tato studie zkoumá umění tvorby módních hesel (buzzword) a jejich použití v koncepcích inteligentních měst (smart city) a obecně i ve společenských vědách. Analýza se zaměřuje na důležitost vytváření hesel, jejich prospěšného a nevhodného použití v...
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Brownfields are old, unused sites and buildings located in urban areas and open countryside. This article deals with problems of brownfields that developed as a result of restructuring national industry, a decreased significance of primary and secondary industry, and the increase of tertiary...
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The paper provides an exploratory analysis of regional dynamics among 264 NUTS2 EU-27 regions over the period 1992-2006. Seven different regional indicators are analyzed including wages, household expenditures, retail sales, investments, productivity, GDP, and GDP adjusted for international...
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In this paper the author deals with the description of the National Program of forced industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for years 2010-2014 and possibilities of cooperation of Kazakhstan and Slovakia within the realization of the program. In the first part, the...
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