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possible additional qualitative factors that might influence the usage of banknotes and coins. Paper offers a new approach to … argue against the opinion that money in their cash form (i.e. notes and coins) will seize to exist within the horizon of …
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Cílem práce je odhadnout a vyšetøit dlouhodobý vztah mezi penìžní zásobou M1, cenovou hladinou, výstupem a alternativními náklady držby penìz a to, zda lze tento vztah - v pøípadì, že existuje - interpretovat ve smyslu dlouhodobé poptávky po penìzích. Práce využívá pøi...
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Práce se zabývá analýzou poptávky po penìzích firem v ÈR a její výsledky následnì srovnává s výsledky analogické analýzy v sektoru domácností. Zjištìné odlišnosti v obou sektorech jsou pak komentovány zejména ve smyslu potenciálních problémù, které tyto diskrepance...
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Tato práce se zamìøuje na specifika poptávky po penìzích domácností a analyzuje souèasné charakteristiky této poptávkové funkce vèetnì trendù dalšího vývoje, pøedevším vzhledem k potenciálním problémùm pøi výzkumu poptávky po penìzích na agregátní úrovni....
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The co-integration of time series indicates the presence of their common trends. For analytical purpose it is important to transform some time series into gap form. This transformation can be received as a difference between the time series and the common trends. The model of demand for money in...
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This study investigates the relationship between wages and risks of work-related fatalities in the Czech labour market. To prove this relationship, we followed the theory of compensating wage differentials and the theory of hedonic prices. Using data from 2007 Czech labour survey, we...
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This paper provides an institutional analysis concerning the current problems of the health care systems based on obligatory health insurance. In the beginning there are correctly defined and further described some particular principles creating the essence of the continental health care...
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Efficiency of hospitals belongs among frequently discussed topics of public policy. This paper deals with a nonparametric model for efficiency evaluation of hospitals - data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA evaluates efficiency of production units with the help of mathematical programming. DEA...
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