Showing 1 - 10 of 14
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The paper considers company performance measures and the development of the Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator in volatile economies, particularly in the case of the Czech Republic. Methods used for pyramidal analysis, their assumptions, and their application possibilities are discussed. A...
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Závìry pøíspìvku potvrzují autorovu hypotézu, že celková úroveò slovinského a èeského vnitroodvìtvového obchodu se ve druhé polovinì 90. let dostala podstatnì blíže úrovni vyspìlých tržních ekonomik. Hlavní pøíèinou rychlého rùstu vnitroodvìtvového obchodu v...
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The privatization strategy in many transition economies involved the creation of a special government agency that administered state property during privatization programs as well as after the privatization was declared complete. The National Property Fund (FNM) was the agency in the Czech...
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Czech Abstract: Cílem tohoto článku je představit Kirznerovu teorii podnikatelského objevování jako doplněk a alternativu k teorii hlavního proudu. V první a druhé části autor vysvětluje hlavní vlivy Ludwiga von Misese a Friedricha Augusta von Hayeka na vznik podnikatelské...
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The aim of the paper is to introduce Kirzner's theory of entrepreneurial discovery as a complement and an alternative to the mainstream theory. In the first and the second sections, the author explains the main influences of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek's works on...
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What is the role of entrepreneurship in economic development from the perspective of neo-Austrian and new institutional economics and what is the difference between these approaches? Neo-Austrian economists claim that economic development is caused by entrepreneurial discovery. New institutional...
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This paper presents the basics of the Transaction cost theory (TCT) and shows it's contribution to the Theory of the firm by the view of the new institutional economics. In the first part, author presents resources and presumptions of the TCT mainly by O. E. Williamson. The theory is based on...
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Dne 9. prosince 2004 přijala Slovenská republika zákony o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii a o správcoch, které byly vyhlášeny pod čísly 7/2005 Z.z. a 8/2005 Z.z. Stalo se tak necelých osmnáct měsíců poté, co vláda Slovenské republiky schválila v červenci 2003 legislativní...
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This paper uses new firm-level data to examine the effects of breakups of the Czech firms and their subsequent privatization on corporate performance. Unlike the existing literature, which analyzes breakups almost exclusively in advanced economies, we control for accompanying ownership changes...
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