Showing 1 - 10 of 17
The text deals with claimants approaching to insolvency proceedings in decisions by courts. It focuses on the application of the Civil Proceedings Act to insolvency proceedings, especially problems of approaching insolvency proceedings. It also reflects the incorrect application of law in the...
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This article focuses mainly on the environmental costs connected with legislative compliance in the Czech Republic, possibilities of their identification and observation in corporations and suggestions for cutting them down. First, we present an overview of theoretical concepts regarding...
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This paper presents an analysis of the available options for an effective EU rural development policy. A classification of the methods used to determine an optimal rural development policy can be viewed as the specific aim of the paper. This aim is achieved by discussing...
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The objective of this paper is to demonstrate some economywide effects of the adoption of Common Agricultural Policy. The general equilibrium approach is applied. The model is designed as a static computable general equilibrium one. The model structure reflects basic neoclassical assumption,...
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The paper is dealing with the credit support to the Czech agriculture provided by Supporting and Guarantee Agricultural and Forestry Fund (SGAFF) during the ten years period since the inception of its activities in 1994 do the year 2003 which preceeded to the Czech entry into European Union (EU)...
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In the area of agricultural policy and the balanced growth of the countryside, the European Union promotes technological development and creation of jobs in ways that fulfil the criteria of ecological sustainability. The latest reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy are focused on the...
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The submitted paper is focused on the evaluation of the Common Agriculture Policy impact on economic results of Czech organic farmers. The aim of the paper is a complex evaluation of the influence of subsidy on production, costs, profit and technical efficiency of organic farms. The partial aim...
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Czech Abstract: Požadavek proporcionality se jako právní zásada rozšířil do významné části světa, a to především po druhé světové válce. Z evropského pohledu přitom bylo klíčové jeho uznání Soudním dvorem Evropské unie a Evropským soudem pro lidská práva. Tento...
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The article surveys the establishment of a legislative framework providing for banking regulation in Czechoslovakia during 1918?1938. The state intervened in bank sanitation twice during economic recessions in the early 1920s and 1930s. The shocks resulted in the adoption of banking laws to...
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Èeská spoleènost ekonomická ve spolupráci s Èeskou národní bankou uspoøádala v kvìtnu 2001 v Praze semináø nazvaný ?Moral Hazard and Orderly Bank Exit?, na nìmž vystoupil David Mayes, profesor ekonomie na South Bank University v Londýnì a poradce bankovní rady Bank of Finland....
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