Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Dne 9. prosince 2004 přijala Slovenská republika zákony o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii a o správcoch, které byly vyhlášeny pod čísly 7/2005 Z.z. a 8/2005 Z.z. Stalo se tak necelých osmnáct měsíců poté, co vláda Slovenské republiky schválila v červenci 2003 legislativní...
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The article deals with sex discrimination prohibition in the European community law as well as in the Czech law and it describes antidiscrimination juridical practise in the Czech Republic. It judges selected institutes of the antidiscrimination act from the point of view of their economic...
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If taxes are the same across countries and no tariffs are imposed on international trade, the optimal strategy of a multinational firm is to set transfer prices at marginal costs of its affiliated firms. But in reality we observe trade tariffs and tax differences among countries which lead...
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The aim of the article is to investigate if there exists a systematic link between size of the firm, market concentration and R&D activity of firms. Three tentative results emerged from the regression analysis based on the firm balanced panel data 1998-2006. First it follows from a regression...
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