Showing 1 - 10 of 24
As a consequence of the new regionalism a marked increase in the number of regional groupings can be observed which makes the preferential relations between states even more complicated and complex. One of such complex relationships, which did not come to being during the third wave of...
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Doložka najvyšších výhod (DNV) je dôležitým inštitútom medzinárodného obchodu. DNV zaväzuje štát rozšíriť obchodné výhody, ktoré poskytol inému štátu, ostatným štátom. DNV má niekoľko foriem. Poznáme nepodmienečnú DNV a DNV podmienenú reciprocitou. Hlavnou...
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The paper considers company performance measures and the development of the Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator in volatile economies, particularly in the case of the Czech Republic. Methods used for pyramidal analysis, their assumptions, and their application possibilities are discussed. A...
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Empirical research on the differences between unit values in the EU's trade with the Czech Republic and the intra-EU average has shown a significant changes. The comparative level of manufacturing products imported from the Czech republic has increased, the comparative level of products exported...
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The values of comparative price levels vary greatly in individual EU countries and depend on many different economic factors. The EU countries were divided into two distinguishable groups. Both OLS and robust regressions were used to analyze the influence of the comparative price levels on...
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Dne 9. prosince 2004 přijala Slovenská republika zákony o konkurze a reštrukturalizácii a o správcoch, které byly vyhlášeny pod čísly 7/2005 Z.z. a 8/2005 Z.z. Stalo se tak necelých osmnáct měsíců poté, co vláda Slovenské republiky schválila v červenci 2003 legislativní...
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Future of the European Union and its future directions should be the most important subject of the European Studies, which combine studies of Economy, Political Science, International Relations and other disciplines to study the European Integration Process in its complexity. This applies...
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The paper deals with questions connected with the present situation on the world oil market. First, we shortly focus on the context and the historical development of the prices of oil and the reactions of the market subjects. We discuss general factors on the oil market. And then we apply these...
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The objective of this article is to provide a survey of basic facts about process of globalization. We can define globalization as the international economic integration through particular markets. Globalization is largely continual and objective process that began approximately in the middle of...
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Even though the efforts to foster global economic governance have been a longstanding issue of global economic policies, their effectiveness has been questioned by the current crisis. The crisis has revealed many systemic issues that would require global solutions on the one hand, but on the...
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