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The article surveys the establishment of a legislative framework providing for banking regulation in Czechoslovakia during 1918?1938. The state intervened in bank sanitation twice during economic recessions in the early 1920s and 1930s. The shocks resulted in the adoption of banking laws to...
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This paper analyses various approaches to dealing with problematic assets of the banking sector. These approaches include the establishment of an asset management company, capital injection and sale of the bank, purchase and assumption transactions, liquidation or bridge bank. All these...
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This paper examines estimations of the expected losses of loans and the provisioning techniques imposed by Czech regulatory norms. The current Czech regulatory quidelines define the criteria for loan classification and specify the minimum coefficients used for creating provisions. These...
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The article summaries the main points discussed at the seminar on ?Banking System Stability?, organized by the Czech Economic Association in May 2003. There were three speakers at the seminar. The first was Martin Èihák (International Monetary Found), who presented the problem of...
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Èeská spoleènost ekonomická ve spolupráci s Èeskou národní bankou uspoøádala v kvìtnu 2001 v Praze semináø nazvaný ?Moral Hazard and Orderly Bank Exit?, na nìmž vystoupil David Mayes, profesor ekonomie na South Bank University v Londýnì a poradce bankovní rady Bank of Finland....
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The authors of the paper discuss reasons as well as current stage of the regulation of the financial (mostly banking) sector. They are not in favor of strict rejection of the regulation, but they are not in favor of strong regulation of the financial sector either. The article is based on the...
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A comparison of the conceptual frameworks underlying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS / IAS) and American Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) reveals a striking theoretical similarity between the two. Unfortunately, this similarity is masked by an even more...
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The paper describes the IFAC Education Committee effort to develop new International Education Standards for Professional Accountants. It informs about the structure and content of International Education Standards and it defines the principle standard requirements. The end of the paper is...
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The ordering a categorization of data in the income statement is unavoidable. Even in the absence of clearly identified subtotals, there is some form of implicit structure in any income statement. An immediate difficulty, however, is that attempts to define income statement categories can be...
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Financial accounting has been playing an important role in the economic system in the USA, since it has been supporting an effective operation of capital market, and consequently of whole economy. Its main task is to provide reliable accounting information about accounting entity to its users...
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