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This article presents the principal arguments for formal economic regulation of airport operators. It also briefly compares and contrasts the main regulatory systems and provides a simplified overview of the regulatory regimes currently applied at the largest European airports. Finally, a...
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Czech Abstract: Cílem příspěvku je analýza vývoje regulace a deregulace v České republice v období let 1990–2005, postihnutí hlavních vývojových trendů v této oblasti a analýza vývoje jak celkové výše regulace, tak její kvality. Pojem regulace je v článku zúžen na...
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The paper considers company performance measures and the development of the Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator in volatile economies, particularly in the case of the Czech Republic. Methods used for pyramidal analysis, their assumptions, and their application possibilities are discussed. A...
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The paper describes process of electricity market liberalization, and concentrates on one phase - unbundling. First part sums up findings on electricity market liberalization, and explains unbundling principles, initial situation and expected outcome. In the second part unbundling costs are...
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The power-generation industry offers numerous opportunities to apply real options. This paper uses current empirical market data to estimate the value of flexibility in the Czech energy sector, which can serve to compare available technologies, and support various investment decisions. The model...
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Tato studie prezentuje pìt indikátorù používaných pro mìøení kvality podnikatelského prostøedí ve visegrádských zemích a shrnuje jejich výsledky. Jedná se o index vnímání korupce, agregátní indikátory správy, index zajetí (státu), index neprùhlednosti a index rizika...
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The study focuses on evaluation of institutional quality in European Union countries and its possible impact on economic performance and competitiveness. The text stems from the theoretical framework of new institutional economics, especially historical and comparative institutionalism, and it...
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The paper contains a descriptive analysis of selected interdisciplinary research methods developed for the study of complex socio-ecological systems (climate change problems in particular). Institutional analysis and participatory methods of social consensus are in the centre of the focus.
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This paper starts with discussion about enhanced and frequently used conceptions of free markets, market failures and market primacy. There are pointed some simplifications due to the man should be prospective while using them, especially in applied economics. We have no positive definition of a...
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